Italy 24 Press News

he would have done it out of shame

Fano, 28 June 2024 – Luca Ricci, a fifty-year-old from Fano, confessed to killing his parents, Giuseppe Ricci, 75, and Luisa Marconi, 70, out of shame and so as not to have to admit that the money to keep them in their home wasn’t there. This is the motive the investigators are working on. Giuseppe was hit with eleven hammers on the head, while Luisa was strangled with the cell phone charging cable. The crime, which is being investigated by the Pesaro police flying squad, occurred last Monday in via Fanella 127.

Luca Ricci, now in prison, allegedly hid the truth from his parents about the property that, due to his debts, had been sold at auction. That morning, according to what was reconstructed from the testimonies and from the interrogation of the prosecutor Maria Letizia Fucci, the new owner was supposed to meet with the Ricci family to deliver bank drafts of around 14 thousand euros, as a guarantee for the next two years of rent. It would have been the only solution to allow the elderly spouses to continue living in their home. The cash sum, according to the interrogation, was kept at the parents’ house the night before being exchanged at the bank for checks.

The morning of the crimethe house was found ransackedinitially suggesting a desperate search for money by Luca, which in reality did not exist. The motive seemed to be exclusively economic.

However, a second investigative lead is gaining traction. Luca Ricci may have reassured his parents that everything was under controlbut cornered by his lies, he would have lost his mind and committed the double murder to “make them no longer suffer”.

“Luca is shocked,” his lawyer Roberto Longhini reports. “He can’t believe it and hasn’t been able to add anything. He has no other memories and can’t find an explanation. ‘I’ve been going crazy for three days trying to understand how I could’. That’s what he told me, adding that he feels a total void.” The couple’s funeral will be tomorrow at 10 am in the Church of the Holy Family in Fano 2. The burial will take place in the urban cemetery of Fano in via della Giustizia.

Two confessed murderers in the same cell

Luca Ricci and Michael Alessandrini share the same cell at Villa Fastiggi. Ricci, a fifty-year-old worker separated since 2018, confessed to the murder in via Fanella, while Alessandrini, 31, is accused of the murder of Pierpaolo Panzieri, for which the trial will open next Wednesday before the Assize Court of Pesaro. For Luca Ricci, however, today the arrest ordered by the Prosecutor’s Office is expected to be validated before the investigating judge Gasparini. “He told me – reports the lawyer Longhini – that he will want to tell the judge what he remembers”. Ricci has not yet met his sister, resident in Isola del Piano, nor his ex-wife.

Ilrestodelcarlino reports it

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