Italy 24 Press News

Made in Italy lands in Venice at the Coldiretti Village

So much knowledge and flavors expressed by the most extraordinary farmers’ market, for the first time in Venice

VENICE – There is a lot of Treviso in the Coldiretti Village which today landed in Venice, where it will remain until Sunday. The appointment with peasant cuisine, agriasilo, street food, wine tastings, beer and oil bar is at the Giardini Napoleonici and Riva Sette Martiri in Venice. Farmers Market e animal farm con pet-therapy are the ingredients of a historic event dedicated to the valorisation of cibo made in Italy and the art expressed by our farms.

At the Village you can also discover the holiday packages offered by Campagna Amica farmhousespromoted by Terranostra, with itineraries and suggestions for stopping to eat and sleep while respecting the environment and the culinary tradition of our countryside. But you can go at the school of Italian extra virgin olive oil in the Oleoteca and participate in guided tastings in the Village Enoteca, where you can taste extra virgin olive oil cocktails, wines and agricultural beer, follow the agricosmetics lessons with grandma’s beauty tricks.

Treviso companies and young entrepreneurs present

Photo via Facebook @coldirettiveneto

Michele Callegari of Maser who will bring the EVO oil from the Maser area, the Baccicchetto Tiziano & Fratello agricultural company of Vittorio Veneto with the EVO oil and the Mame bean from L’Alpago which is the seal of Campagna Amica, Il Frutteto del Palù of Godega Sant’Urbano with processed fruit, juices, jams and dried fruit, the Torresan Roberto agricultural company of Crocetta del Montello with cured meats according to the Montello tradition, Terre Cartusiae agricultural company of Caerano San Marco with apples, apple juice and cider in three varieties, Vaka mora of Istrana with cheeses and dairy products, fresh and aged, ice cream, Vitiovitec of Fregona with yoghurt and fresh sheep’s cheeses; wool products; M&G of Morandin and Graziotto of Ponzano Veneto with processed vegetables, preserves and sweet and sour, radicchio and asparagus, Az. Agric. Pajarin di Povegliano with snails, pulp, sauces, and also cosmetic products, organic honey, processed vegetables from agriculture, Moretto Farm agricultural of Villorba with hydroponics, Latteria Sant’Andrea di Povegliano with cheeses and dairy products. Monia Pio Loco Boscariol, who with her laboratories will be present in the area of ​​educational farms and the company Breda Luciano, who with the products of its Oliveto Riva Jacur will be present in the oleoteca and in the masterclasses of the Evoo School.

The Village will also be animated by 16 representatives of Young Enterprise: Marco De Zotti (Young Business delegate Treviso and Veneto), Giacomo Manera, Matteo Daminato, Enrico Nadal, Margherita Eva Mozzato, Anika Collodel, Martino Morandin, Riccardo Perin, Nicolò Brognera, Gioele Bravin, Alessio Feletti, Gianluca Andreola, Alex Lovisotto, Andrea Pagotto, Leonardo Dam, Nicolò Dalla Giustina, as well as the secretary of Giovani Impresa Treviso, Luca Colussi.

With only €8

With only €8, families and tourists will be able to taste the best Italian food with dedicated menus, prepared by 15 agritourists from Treviso graduated from Agrichef. Their names are: Susanna Pagot and Loris de Miranda from the Moro Barel farmhouse in Vittorio Veneto, Valentina Alberton from the Ca Fossa’ farmhouse in Borso del Grappa, Marco Osellame from the Da Osellame farmhouse in Venegazzù, Andreina Ziliotto from the Da Andreina farmhouse in Borso del Grappa, Fabrizio Dorigo from the Da Garbonier farmhouse in Refrontolo, Vania Cancarello from the Ai Colori farmhouse in Paese, Enrico Curto from the La Dolza farmhouse in Follina, Maurizio Torresan from the La Baita farmhouse in Crespano del Grappa, Silvia Grillo from the agrit. Le Vignole of Cordignano, Manuela Tessari of the Mondragon farmhouse in Tarzo, Oscar Fiorese of the Malga Col Serai farmhouse in Borso del Grappa, Moris Lazzaron of the Caravaggio farmhouse in Vedelago, Francesca Comazzetto of the Valle In Piano farmhouse in Cornuda and Raffaella Curto of the Al Cartizze farmhouse in Valdobbiadene.

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