Italy 24 Press News

Bollards in Modena Est for pedestrian safety, but criticism also arrives


In Modena Est, between Viale XXII Aprile and Viale della Resistenza, a specific intervention has been carried out to increase the safety of two pedestrian crossings and a bus stop, planned for some time. Furthermore, within a month, the two avenues will be affected by works to redo the damaged horizontal road signs.

In particular, with the intervention carried out, to protect the two crossings, some posts were placed before and after the pedestrian crossings, as well as at the height of the public transport stop, always in correspondence with areas where there were horizontal zebra-striped signs, therefore, where parking was already prohibited. Upon reporting from citizens, the Administration found that this prohibition was frequently disregarded and therefore that, near the crossings and the bus stop, cars were often left illegally parked, posing risks for pedestrians crossing, who were not very visible. by vehicles in transit. The provision therefore has the function of enforcing the ban already in place, guaranteeing pedestrians a safe road crossing.

Viale XXII Aprile and Viale della Resistenza are also among the streets that will be the subject of road maintenance interventions in the coming weeks regarding horizontal and vertical road signs. In fact, a package of interventions carried out by the Administration, worth 165 thousand euros, is about to begin, which will affect a series of city streets, in which the horizontal road signs and, where necessary, the vertical ones will be restored.

The choice of the municipality, however, was not appreciated by some residents, who expressed criticism. The discontent was also joined by the Fiab of Modena. In this case we are talking about bollards placed before and after pedestrian crossings, the meaning here is: they are used to prevent cars from parking right near the stripes, taking away the visibility of potential pedestrians about to cross. Not only that, they also serve to reduce the space of exposure to risk for the pedestrian, who will thus have to travel less road in conflict with cars, finally they also serve to naturally reduce the speed of motorists and therefore increase the level of safety. Using bollards often “solves the problem” with little time and money, but it is not the best – comments the Fiab – An opportunity is lost to give back that space taken from the roadway, which could be a useful space to widen the sidewalks, install a bench or a flowerbed to increase the drainage capacity of the ground: imagine if there were at every intersection and at every pedestrian crossing”.

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