Italy 24 Press News

Salerno, investments in the “Zes Unica”

Legislative Decree 124 of 2023 established the ZES, Special Economic Zone Single Mezzogiorno which includes the regions of Campania, Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Molise, Puglia, Sicily and Sardinia. An area within whose perimeter, according to the decree, the economic and entrepreneurial activities established or that will be established there will be able to benefit from special conditions in relation to investments and development activities. The topic will be covered, in all its aspects and critical issues, during a Workshop organized by Network GTC, tomorrow, Friday 28 June starting from 3.30 pm at the headquarters of the Salerno Chamber of Commerce in via Roma.

They will intervene According to MartinPresidente Network GTC, Salvatore ScafuriNational Councilor of Confcooperative, Agostino SoavePresident of the Order of Chartered Accountants of Salerno, Franco PicaronePresident of the Campania Region Budget Committee. Presentation of the UNICA ZES Decree by Gaetano Boccia, will report on eligible investments in the ZES area Luca Annunziata. It will deal with the administrative aspects Vincenzo Passanantechartered accountant, while the new developments in the field of work for the ZES Unica will be explained by Gerardo Di TrolioPresident of FederTerziario Salerno. Francesco CodaZES Area expert, will instead answer questions from those present.

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