Italy 24 Press News

The Tour de France on the roads of Asti

For the first time in 120 years of history, the Tour de France will travel the roads of the Bel Paese: it will cross the regions that have contributed to making cycling great in Italy, crossing mountains, pedaling through extraordinary landscapes and on routes surrounded by history, art and charm. The first stage, Saturday 29 June, a tribute to Gino Bartali, will be the Florence-Rimini. The second, dedicated to Marco Pantani, will start in Cesenatico with the finish line in Bologna. The third stage will start from Piacenza and will touch the provinces of Alessandria, Asti, Cuneo and Turin. The stage on Monday 1 July, with its 231 kilometres, is the longest of the 21 scheduled. In Piedmont, the race will immediately heat up thanks to the Gran Premio della Montagna on the Tortona climb: a tribute to Fausto Coppi. Afterwards, it will turn towards Alessandria, until reaching the Asti area first, and then the Cuneo area. There are three fourth category Mountain GPs: Tortona, Barbaresco and Sommariva Perno. The finale will be in the Turin area: Carmagnola and then Turin, with an arrival that will exalt the fast wheels of the group. The arrival of the Grande Boucle is expected in front of the Inalpi Arena, while the restart will be the following day from Pinerolo towards France.

The indicative times of the passage

The stage will start from Piacenza at 11:15 and will arrive in Turin between 16:57/17:30. The roads will be closed two hours before the race passes. It will pass through Bruno between 14:15 and 14:31, Nizza Monferrato between 14:24 and 14:42, Canelli between 14:33 and 14:57, Santo Stefano Belbo between 14:45 and 15:05, Boglietto between 14:53 and 15:14, Castagnole delle Lanze between 15 and 15:21, Neive between 15:05 and 15:24, Alba between 15:25 and 15:49, Guarene between 15:34 and 15:59. The advertising caravan, which is the main attraction, will pass between 60 and 90 minutes before the race.

Paolo Cavaglia

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