Italy 24 Press News

“As usual, Chiara Frontini’s electoral promises remain empty words”

Viterbo – Waste – Luisa Ciambella on the increase in the rate on the bill: “No provision to lighten the impact”

Luisa Donut

Viterbo – Received and published – As usual, Frontini’s electoral promises remain empty words and citizens are paying the consequences. The most classic of the hunting rites that the administration of the city of Viterbo has accustomed us to took place in the Budget Committee: the shooting of the decoy.

Faced with a due act, i.e. a mandatory procedure, of updating the tariffs of the waste tax, TaRi, which we prefer to define as light (6% middle) but that for some categories it is close to 15%, the Frontini administration – which during the electoral campaign was full of aid, compensation, concessions and support for commercial activities and families – has not prepared, much less brought to the attention of the members of the Commission no type of financial instrument to ease the impact of the increases.

In short: tariffs increase, commercial categories suffer, ideas and tools to help the people of Viterbo don’t even think about it, and the citizens pay. This is the summary of a day in which, in addition to the inability to understand the administrative machinery and keep the promises made, the other aspect was that of the approximation which has now infected all the members of the council.

The Budget Committee had been convened to approve the proposed resolution for the biennial update of the waste tax rates, TaRi, based on the indications of Arera which essentially foresees an increase in the rate due to the increase in management costs of the service on the basis of inflation indices.

Generally – according to the creative calculation that smells a lot like a golden pill – the increase in the waste tax would be around an average of 6%, but then looking through the application’s meshes, those who pay the most are: traders, manufacturing activities, catering and hospitality, street vendors and fruit and vegetables, which will have an increase per sector ranging from 15% to more.

In a particular socio-economic moment, introducing, albeit compulsorily, an increase without providing for facilitation measures represents a serious administrative and political gap for this majority which, as usual, due to inadequacy and superficiality, forgets about the promises made but even worse, the people of Viterbo .

Viterbo and the people of Viterbo certainly deserve more than what they are receiving from the Frontini treatment.

Luisa Donut
Head of organization of the Rocca President civic movement
President For the Common Good – Viterbo

June 27, 2024

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