Italy 24 Press News

copper downpipes stolen

A major theft of copper from the Carducci building on Viale Cavallotti was discovered yesterday morning during an inspection by municipal technicians.

From what we understand, the copper downpipe terminals (only those) were removed from the entire perimeter of the building up to a height of approximately 2.5 meters from the ground. This means that whoever acted did so from the outside, without climbing or using high ladders.

After all, the area is busy and, therefore, the theft must have taken place in a short time and, in all likelihood, with a vehicle waiting nearby to load the materials that will then evidently be resold. Now you can clearly see the parts of the missing drainpipes “at man height” that prevent the regular discharge of rainwater.

What is certain is that for the Municipality of Como, owner of the property, it is a damage of several thousand euros, much higher than what the perpetrators of the act will eventually be able to collect from the resale of the material. The exact amount has not yet been quantified and will be known precisely when a quote is requested for the replacement of the downspouts, an essential operation to prevent the water now leaking from the parts left open by the thieves from ending up damaging the plaster of the building. building. In the next few hours, a complaint will also be filed against unknown persons.

Mayor Alessandro Robbery he shakes his head: «This morning (yesterday, ed.) another bitter surprise. Every time I enter Palazzo Cernezzi, if they aren’t idiots defacing a cemetery, they are idiots stealing copper gutters, causing huge economic damage to the administration’s coffers to get a few bucks. It’s a real shame that my administration has to waste time and money in fixing what was perfect, not being able to otherwise use it to remedy further problems that we have on the table. No problem, the gutters will return, but I hope that the investigations and the cameras in the area will help us bring the criminals to justice.”

The first step will be to check for any cameras in the area (even in the surrounding streets) to see if there has been any suspicious activity in the last few days. However, there is no certainty about the exact day the thieves took action.

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