Italy 24 Press News

Andria – Motion of no confidence in Giovanni Vurchio. Could it be true?

Sparks and “alleged” notes of no confidence at the City Hall in Andria.
This is what emerges from a note that has just arrived from the President of the City Council Dr. John Vurchiowho, regarding a “presumed motion of no confidence” against him – to which he wanted to respond in advance – declares:

“In recent times, situations have occurred characterized by a harsh yet constructive and physiological political/institutional confrontation, with the noble objective of improving the well-being and services for our community. Most likely, someone has been affected by such comparisons, artfully creating a situation of instability and confusion that benefits neither the administration nor the citizens.
First of all, I would like to reiterate that my work as President of the City Council has always been characterized by the utmost professionalism and transparency. I have worked with dedication to ensure the orderly and correct functioning of the Council, respecting the rules and facilitating a constructive dialogue between all political forces.
Regarding the alleged document of no confidence signed by the city and provincial secretaries of the PD, I believe it is important to underline that, if the news is true and there are actually valid reasons for a no-confidence vote against me, I invite the proponents and the hidden authors to formally present this motion to the City Council. It will be my responsibility to ensure that this motion is discussed in an open and public manner, so that everyone can transparently evaluate the reasons and any criticisms of my actions.
It is essential that the City Council returns to focusing on the needs of the city and its citizens, rather than on internal issues of power and management. Our community deserves an administration that works seriously and with commitment for the common good, rather than being distracted by political dynamics that risk compromising the trust of citizens.
I trust that, through an open and constructive discussion, we can find the cohesion needed to face the challenges that await us and to guarantee our city the administration it deserves.

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