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Valpelline: Food and wine triangle, a mix of tastes and friendship

Valpelline: Food and wine triangle, a mix of tastes and friendship.

What unites us in times of need is not forgotten. Thus the friendship between Lucoli, Mirandola and Valpelline is increasingly consolidated with the “Food and Wine Triangle” which, born in 2013 after the earthquakes in Abruzzo (2009) and Emilia Romagna (2012), has reached its 12th edition, Sunday 23 June , in the Attilio Rolando area.

«We are happy with this continued good participation and it is very likely that we will be present at the Mirandola festival in mid-November – he says Maurizio Lanivi mayor of Valpelline -. Today’s proceeds, instead, are destined for the renovation of the headquarters of the Valpelline rescue volunteers in viale Ginevra, 6 in Aosta. Today, among other things, two rescue boys from Milan asked to do ambulance shifts with us. My thanks to those who worked for the Triangolo and to the Pro Loco for the great collaboration».

The specialties

Arrosticini, Gnocco fritto and Vapelenentse, very popular specialties that almost no one can resist. Long lines waiting for the tray before sitting at the tables for the long-awaited “taste”.

There is also Alessandra with the son Luca who says: «It’s my first fried dumpling. It’s good and I would eat it every day!” «We brought 5 thousand kebabs – he says Antoinette of Lucoli -. In Abruzzo, during the transhumance period, shepherds ate sheep meat either cooked in broth with potatoes (Cottora) or dried (Micischia) or as arrosticini, with the softer parts being the shoulder and thigh».

«We at “gnocchi”” brought 1,200 – say the people of Mirandola and Gloria present since the first edition adds -. For us this meeting represents above all true friendship”.

The event also dedicated to Elvino Castellazzi, president of the Principato di Francia Corta (Mirandola) company who passed away months before the 2023 edition, included the usual menu for celiacs curated by Aic-Vda and the music of the “Carisma Band”.

(nadia camposaragna)

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