Italy 24 Press News

The mayor of Pozzuoli responds to Minister Musumeci: “We are not illegal”

“The people of Puteola are not squatters”. Thus declared the mayor of Pozzuoli, Luigi Manzoni, after yesterday the city council approved an agenda during the discussion on the directions of the new municipal urban plan.

This agenda intends to clarify the statements of the Minister for Civil Protection, Nello Musumeci, on the contents of the new decree on the Campi Flegrei.

“Your accusations of widespread illegal activity in the municipal area are unfair and unacceptable”said Manzoni, underlining that “all the eviction orders concerned legitimate properties from an urban planning point of view.

In Pozzuoli, there has been a stringent regulation in force for about 40 years with an absolute ban on building for residential use. For years, the Municipality has activated modern territorial surveillance measures to combat illegal construction and is among the most virtuous municipalities in terms of the number of demolitions carried out.

The agency has always been committed to reducing population density, especially in the area most affected by the bradyseismic phenomenon.

For example, he firmly rejected an intervention program relating to the former Sofer area, for the construction of 300 residential real estate units, presented by a company linked to a member of parliament of the current government majority”.

“The citizens of Pozzuoli – the mayor continued – they need concrete facts and loyal institutional cooperation.

Blaming them and local authorities for blame that they have not, risks nullifying the concrete attention shown by the minister, at my request, with the adoption of specific decrees that, for the first time, have recognized bradyseism as a phenomenon of national relevance”.

Expert in Diplomatic and International Law. He has been working in the publishing and communications world for over 30 years. He was a representative of local publishers in FIEG, Administrator of Canale 10 and General Manager of the Società Centro Stampa srl. A careful connoisseur of the Caserta reality.

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