Italy 24 Press News

The new headquarters of the Aosta Valley journalists has been inaugurated

The move was completed in February. June 26th the official inauguration: i Aosta Valley journalists they presented their new headquarters in via Martinetin the courtyard of the Stella palace, in Aosta.

The headquarters, already operational in recent months, hosts theAosta Valley Press Association – the united union of journalists – theOrder of journalists of the Aosta Valleythe regional consultancy of Casagit and theInpgi Correspondence Office.

Guests, the President of the Region Renzo Testolinaccompanied by the councilors Luigi Bertschy, Luciano Be careful, Jean-Pierre Guichardazthe mayor of Aosta Gianni Wethe military authorities and the police forces, the general secretary of the National Federation of the Italian Press Alessandra Constant and the director of the Fnsi Tommaso Daquanno and the president of Casagit Salute Gianfranco Giuliani.

“This new location is smaller than the previous one, but I think it is more functional – said the president of Asva Alessandro Mano –. It has a more suitable space for meetings that we would also like to open up to the citya room that can also be suitable for hosting small meetings and directors of associations who have been left homeless”.

“Today is a day of celebration. The celebration of journalists who are opening their new home. Their common home, the home of all journalistsand they open it to the city”, explained the Fnsi secretary Costante.

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