Italy 24 Press News

Bradyseism, in Pozzuoli the chain hunger strike continues – Cronaca Flegrea

POZZUOLI – The scorching sun and rain cannot invalidate or curb the civil commitment and the “active” presence on the territory. The “Pozzuoli Sicura” Committee has decided to start a continuous picket and a chain hunger strike. The mobilization began several days ago in response to the postponement of the government decree, which should provide security to the residents of Pozzuoli and support to citizens with closed homes. There is fear that the decree does not include adequate provisions, allocations and contributions. The discomfort and the consequent position was born from an analytical vision with respect to the daily context in Pozzuoli defined as “unsustainable”. The city is not asking for special treatment, but simply the same security and support measures that have been granted to other Italian cities hit by landslides, floods or various emergency situations. Pozzuoli, subject to medium-sized earthquakes that have weakened the building structures over the years, requires urgent interventions. «Since the 1980s, we have been aware of the actions necessary to deal with the bradyseismic crisis, but the government and the administration continue to delay in an unacceptable manner».

THE DISCOMFORT – The slowness in adopting the necessary measures is highlighted by the proliferation of civic committees calling for transparency, safety and support. This movement demonstrates the vitality of the town of Pozzuoli and its determination to remain in the land that has hosted it for millennia, between the Solfatara and the sea. Sporadic demonstrations and appeals have not been enough to move the institutions. The “Pozzuoli Sicura” Committee believes that a civil, democratic, peaceful, but incisive and prolonged struggle is necessary, capable of bringing the responsibilities of government and administration to national attention. These are the requests put forward by the committee: The official indication of the magnitude of the expected seismic event, which is estimated to be 5.0. Certified and definitive checks on the buildings to determine their resistance to the expected earthquake, identifying those to be renovated with state contributions and those not recoverable, guaranteeing solutions to allow everyone to remain in Pozzuoli made safe. The provision of adequate contributions and services for families with homes closed to traffic. The mobilization will continue until the decree is issued and, based on its contents, a decision will be made on how to proceed. The Committee also invites citizens, associations, unions and political forces to unite and concretely support this united battle for a finally safe Pozzuoli.

“AN ATTACK ON THE PHLEGREAN FIELDS” – Minister Musumeci’s recent decree for the Campi Flegrei has sparked concern and indignation. Although a definitive judgment requires studying the text of the decree, some first impressions have not been ignored. According to the “Pozzuoli Sicura” Committee, the decree reflects serious political ignorance and stupidity. Minister Musumeci’s statement, according to which those who remain in the Campi Flegrei do so at their own risk, ignores the long history of the region and the importance of institutions and companies operating in the area. The Air Force Academy and international companies such as Prysmian invest millions of euros right on the Phlegraean coast, demonstrating the economic vitality of the area. In addition to ignorance of the local context, the decree shows a scandalous approximation. The allocation of 22 million euros for private construction appears to be a blind intervention, without clear criteria for selecting the buildings and the need for renovation. Furthermore, the decision not to intervene on illegal homes and second homes, although understandable, leaves the “innocent” inhabitants of those buildings uncertain. A further critical point concerns contributions to displaced people, which without adequate reporting risks encouraging fraud. The management of complex territories such as the Campi Flegrei through external commissioners, who ignore the local dynamics and the damage of previous commissionerships, is an obvious mistake. local administrations were “shamed” by the decree, which transformed them into simple executors of ministerial orders, commissioning them instead of supporting them in leading the communities. The protest and hunger strike continue, with the aim of obtaining justice and security for the citizens of the Campi Flegrei.

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