Italy 24 Press News

Brawl on the seafront, security alert – Teramo

ROSE GARDEN. Third brawl on the central seafront in less than a month and there is a security alert in Roseto. The latest occurred on Tuesday evening when, around 11pm, a group of local boys and another made up of Moroccans and Egyptians, a total of around forty, many of whom were minors, fought each other with bars and belts along the stretch that goes from the La Lucciola lido to the Maristella establishment amidst the fear of residents and tourists. «It’s the third time this has happened and it’s not possible that there aren’t any controls», say some beachgoers in the central area, «evenings for young people are welcome, some even in our beaches, but after the evening there is a need for rules and controls, otherwise anarchy reigns.”
The brawl, according to various citizens’ testimonies, started from the beach of the La Lucciola lido, and then moved to the central seafront. Two patrols from the Roseto carabinieri and a patrol from the Giulianova traffic police arrived on site around 11.30pm but shortly before all the boys disappeared onto the beach and towards the north. «We locked ourselves inside out of fear», continue the bathers, «and we were all very scared». In addition to the bathers, several residents of the central seafront area are also protesting about this situation. There are also no video surveillance cameras on the seafront. Those present in the pine forest, in via Latini, at the station and in piazza Dante, are not functioning and so checks for the police become difficult. Furthermore, the city lacks a police station, the carabinieri are few and the traffic police are reduced to a minimum.
“I’m sorry for what happened,” says the mayor Mario Nugnes«we have funds available for digitalization and we will be able to use part of them shortly to restore the functioning of the existing video surveillance cameras. Then, by intercepting other funds, we will certainly think about installing other cameras in the territory». The municipal councilor of Fratelli d’Italia also intervenes on the issue Francesco Di Giuseppe.
«For months now we have been asking for more security in the city and the activation of a police station for the second city in the province of Teramo», highlights Di Giuseppe, «but let’s not forget the critical situation of the traffic police, too few for our city. Piazza Ponno, for example, is a frenzy for parking every evening. Roseto was known as the safest city on the coast and with the Nugnes administration it is losing this record too.”

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