Italy 24 Press News

Funeral of former mayor Paolo Agostinacchio, “Foggia loses a great man” (PHOTO

Paolo Agostinacchio, a historic right-wing exponent, had first played in the Italian Social Movement and then in the National Alliance. His death, which occurred suddenly yesterday morning while he was in his studio in Corso Vittorio Emanuele, has left a deep void in the Foggia community and in the Italian political panorama. A man of great charisma and oratory skills, Agostinacchio was a point of reference for many, both locally and nationally.

Born in Foggia on 25 June 1937, Paolo Agostinacchio dedicated much of his life to public service. His political career began in the early 1970s, when he was elected city councilor. From there, his path continued to rise: in 1983 he was elected deputy, a position he held again in 1992 and 1994, remaining in office until 1996. During these years, Agostinacchio stood out for his commitment to numerous political battles and social, always in defense of the values ​​and ideas of the Italian right.

His term as mayor of Foggia, which lasted from 1995 to 2004, was characterized by numerous initiatives and projects aimed at improving the quality of life of citizens.. Among his most significant achievements are the redevelopment of the historic center, the promotion of cultural events and the modernization of urban infrastructure. Thanks to his tireless work, Foggia has experienced a period of rebirth and growth, earning the appreciation and respect of its fellow citizens.

The funeral, held in the majestic setting of the cathedral of Foggia, was attended by numerous local and national authorities, party colleagues, friends and ordinary citizens. Among those present, many wanted to remember Agostinacchio not only as a talented politician, but also as a man of great humanity and generosity. The words of condolence and messages of closeness to the family underlined how much Paolo was loved and respected by all those who had the privilege of knowing him.

During the ceremony, the bishop of Foggia wanted to remember the figure of Paolo Agostinacchio with a touching homily, underlining his commitment to the common good and his dedication to the service of others. “Paul was an example of integrity and civil passion,” said the prelate. “The memory of him will continue to live in the hearts of all those who believed in him and his ideas.”

Many of those present expressed their desire to continue carrying forward the work begun by Agostinacchio, committing themselves to preserving and promoting the values ​​for which he fought.. His political and moral legacy represents a precious heritage for the city of Foggia and for the entire national community.

The news of his death also sparked numerous reactions on social media, where many shared personal memories and anecdotes about his life and career. Among these, there was no shortage of messages of condolence from representatives of all political parties, demonstrating the transversal respect enjoyed by Paolo Agostinacchio.

In a historical moment in which Italian politics is undergoing profound changes, the figure of Paolo Agostinacchio emerges as a symbol of coherence and dedication. His passing leaves a void that is difficult to fill, but his example will continue to inspire future generations of politicians and citizens.

With the passing of Paolo Agostinacchio, Foggia loses a great man and a charismatic leader. His legacy, however, will live on through the works created and the values ​​transmitted. The Foggia community and the entire country will forever remember his commitment, his passion and his dedication to serving the common good.

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