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Busto-Scopello presents itself: pink edition in support of E.Va OdV

BUSTO ARSIZIO – A Bust-Scopello all in pink for edition number 29. They will be 16 gives it in the caravan of 110 registered for the now classic scheduled ride September 8th on the 100 kilometers of journey that divide Busto Arsizio from Scopello, “second home” of many bustocchi, and which Saturday 29th June in Sala Pro Busto will reveal the new uniforms. And it will be the Anti-Violence Center of Busto Arsizio managed by E.Va OdV, which helps and assists many women victims of violence, to receive part of the proceeds for charity from the event. The other part will instead be destined to purchase a medical chair for the emergency room in Scopelloto testify to the bond with the country of arrival.

The pink shirts are revealed

A pink edition – a colour that in cycling has a meaning that needs no explanation – which is once again the fruit of a woman’s commitment, Antonella Grassini, historic “patron” of Busto-Scopello. «Thanks to the sponsors who continue to lend us a hand, but also thanks to mayor of Scopello Antonella De Regis and to the Municipality of Busto Arsizio who support us.” Saturday 29th June at 8pmimmediately after Italy’s match at the European Championships, the Pro Busto hall in via Cesare Battisti will also be the theatre of the traditional parade of official uniforms – main color, needless to say, pink – made, as for 29 years, by Bergamo Knitwear Factory by Castano Primo of the former professional cyclist Marcello Bergamo. It will be the opportunity to distribute the kit with the uniforms to the 110 members, in front of one paella in plain sight cooked by volunteers Alberto and Roberta Alessandrini and with the collaboration of Pasticceria Maga, Tre Vele di Samarate restaurant, Il Dolce Sogno ice cream shop, Via Vai tobacconist, Colombo bakery, Stefano Moretti florist and Bottega Agricola.

The ride with Cunego

On Sunday 8th September the Busto-Scopello will start with the checkered flag waved by mayor Emanuele Antonelli at 8 o’clock sharp in front of the Textile Museum. After the catwalk in the center (the route is to be defined given the presence of the construction site in via Cavallotti and via Bramante), the platoon will head towards via Lonate towards Scopello. The group will once again be there Damiano Cunego, already pink jersey at the arrival of the Giro d’Italia, but also “another surprise”, as Antonella Grassini announces. And upon arriving uphill in Scopello, as per tradition, there will be lunch for everyone.

Busto-Scopello, with Bugno is a success. The new mayor: «Now involve us more»

bust scopello pink eva odv – MALPENSA24

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