Italy 24 Press News

“D’Aversa? This is football. Market on stand-by”

The sporting director, on the occasion of Mignani’s presentation, is available to comment on D’Aversa’s about-face and the situation on the market.

It’s once again Fabio Arctic the man alone who has to raise the sails to catch the wind, to hold the rudder during the storm and prudently keep the anchor close for a safe landing… Before the presentation of coach Mignani at the press conference, the sports director is called to read the press release of a property whose weight of distance is also felt in this case. While waiting for the arrival of a general manager to be made official, we report: “On behalf of the entire club, we are pleased to announce Michele Mignani as the new coach of Cesena FC. We firmly believe that, with Michele at the helm, Cesena will take a step forward in its growth path. The coach was not chosen only for his technical skills, but also for his human qualities that reflect the values ​​of football. We are excited to open a new chapter for Cesena FC and the entire ownership extends him the warmest welcome, ready to work together to achieve new goals and new successes”.

Arctic then takes the floor and offers its interpretation of what the coming season will be: “We will face a championship and we are charged, full of enthusiasm and desire to start working. A very competitive Serie B championship awaits us with well-equipped and solid clubs: we are aware of who we are and what we representso we will face the category with great humility and determination, aware that we have fans who will push us more and more.
Michele is a coach who he made a growth path starting from the bottom: youth sector, collaborator, assistant coach and then first coach in Olbia, Siena, Modena, Bari and Palermo. I’ve known him since we faced each other on the field and I like him as a coach for the style of his teams on the pitch, for the way of being and relating”

Anyone would have thought that Artico’s month had been troubled due to D’Aversa’s sudden U-turn. The director, on the other hand, maintains his aplomb.without revealing rancor or regret. After all, a worthy helmsman continues to sail even with a tattered sail. And he who commands must be concise, precise And always firm at the helm… “It was an easy month for me, thinking about what awaits me in the next few… a coach who I respected so much (Vujadin Boškov, ed.) he used to say that ‘a goal is when the referee blows the whistle’. Then I don’t start, even though I like reading and studying, teaching ethics and morals.. This is the world of football and that’s fine”. An existentialist approach, which does not mean being insensitive to what happened. We simply must not allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by the implications of what happened. Jean-Paul Sartre taught that ‘The world can easily do without literature. But even more it can do without man’. So Cavalluccio can easily do without D’Aversa.

ARCTIC focuses on Mignani and the relationship that the two will have to cultivate: “I have taken a good coach and I am very happy and content to work with him. Like the coach, I do not set limits for myself: sometimes you have to be dreamers, other times rational and understand that it is a category characterized by totally different physical and technical values, and we will need to approach it with great humility”.

As for the market, it is unlikely that anything will move in the short term. At the moment the market is very blocked: we talk a lot and ideas are thrown down, but the economic values, to date, have moved upwards a bit, and moving now would mean paying more for the operation than its real value. There are no negotiations in the process of being finalised. At the moment we are thinking of continuing with Pisseri as starter between the posts”.

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