Italy 24 Press News

Science in the streets, Bright-Night returns

The European Night of Researchers is scheduled for 27 September: many initiatives promoted by universities and research bodies

PISA — Count down for the 2024 edition of European night of researchersthe event born in 2005 at the initiative of the European Commission and which this year is celebrated throughout Europe Friday 27 September. The protagonists of the Night will, as always, be researchers who will bring experiments and demonstrations to the streets, with the aim of bringing citizens closer to science and the world of research.

Lots of appointments for Bright Night, which carries all its meaning in its name. In fact, the word was born from the union between “night” and the acronym
Brilliant Researchers Impact on Growth Health and Trust in Research; that is: brilliant researchers influence growth, health and trust in research.

The promoters of the event are the Tuscan universities, namely the University of Florence, Pisa, Siena, Foreigners of Siena, Sant’Anna High School of Pisa, Superior Normal School And IMT School of Advanced Studies Luccatogether with a large network of research bodies, including the CNR of Pisa, the National Institute of Nuclear Physics, the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, the European Gravitational Observatory and the Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory, with the support of Tuscany region, within the project Youth yes.

The brightest night ever will be animated in the squares of our cities from workshops, experiments, demonstrations, talks and shows. They are also scheduled guided visits to museums and laboratories, with the opening of the research sites to the public. Without forgetting the boys and girls, who will find a rich calendar of proposals designed specifically for them, as well as the schools, which in many cities will be involved in specific activities.

New this year is the theme “Bright-Women”, a particular focus dedicated to research and studies that promote the well-being and emancipation of women and which, like a common thread, will connect the squares throughout Tuscany, with a joint initiative planned in Florence.

The project is an associated event of the HORIZON-MSCA-2023-CITIZENS-01 program of the European Commission.

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