Italy 24 Press News

Fiber To The School”, also involving students from Palermo

Five schools from the North to the South of the country, 183 students involved, 12 professional teachers expert in telecommunications, over 45 hours of thematic meetings, workshops and internships. This is the final balance of “Ftts: Fiber To The School”, the training project promoted by Elis and Open Fiber which has reached the end of its seventh edition. A path started with specific extracurricular sessions in the selected schools, then continued in the various company offices for field internships aimed at the most deserving students.

At the center of the Elis-Open Fiber project are themes that look at the present and future of digitalisation: cutting-edge technology, connectivity at its maximum potential, network infrastructures and architectures, employment opportunities coming from the telecommunications sector. From the Itis “Paleocapa” of Bergamo to the Itis and Scientific High School “Galileo Ferraris” of Naples, passing through the Itis “Armellini” of Rome and “Marconi-Hack” of Bari up to the Itis “Vittorio Emanuele III” of Palermo: the fourth and fifth grade students thus participated with interest and liveliness in the training meetings, with intense series of questions to their interlocutors. The young students were able to listen directly to diversified experiences, testimonies from other professionals invited to their schools, also clarifying doubts about the range of choices placed on their path.

The students of the five institutes also took on a real teaching challenge, putting to good use what they learned during the meetings with the masters of the profession. After the presentation, the tutors certified the validity and originality of all the projects, awarding the title of best project to the Sicilian students of “Vittorio Emanuele III”.

“The work done together with the schools, Elis training professionals and our specialized staff is an excellent example of the effectiveness of creating a system in the country. Open Fiber is an Italian company dedicated to technological innovation with a passion for the future and for the new generations – declares the People director of Open Fiber, Romina Chirichilli – This path for the transversal skills and orientation of students, which has reached its seventh edition is strengthened by the continuous contamination and exchange of experiences that bring enrichment for all the actors, both for the girls and boys and for the adults involved in the projects. We are therefore faced – concludes Chirichilli – with the practical and real translation of the concept of meeting between schools and businesses, a concrete process based in particular on the listening and active participation of all the parties involved”.

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