Italy 24 Press News

ready to escalate the protests

Screaming “Absent”, repeated 19 timesthe crowd of workers of Abraham customer care of Crotone has responded to the list of the same number of Calabrian parliamentarians who had been invited to take to the streets, and they didn’t see each other. A No The loudest of all was the name of the president of the regional council, Roberto Occhiuto, subject of a special banner in which his presence in Crotone was requested.

In reality, among the institutions at this morning’s demonstration in Piazza della Resistenza, there were the mayor of Crotone, Vincenzo Voceaccompanied by a delegation of councilors, and that of Cutro, Antonio Ceraso. The Province intervened first with the vice president Fabio Manica and subsequently with the president Sergio Ferrariwho met the workers in the council room of the municipality of Crotone.

Council room which, the workers reiterated, will remain busy to the bitter endwith the permanent assembly (underway from Monday) until no certain answers will come by the authorities, government in particular. Also present in the square were representatives of CGIL, CISL and UIL, who for today have a strike was calledwho asked for greater attention to a dispute that has important numbers in a land already grappling with the drama of work.

Unions and workers, in fact, they consider the one-month extension of Tim orders to be unsuitable to resolve the situation, rather, some measures are necessary structural interventions. The dispute in question, in Crotone alone puts around 600 jobs at riskto whom another 400 are added in the other sites of Abramo di Catanzaro and Montalto Uffugo.

For the resolution of the dispute a ministerial table was once again called for that addresses the issue clearly, proposing concrete solutions for get out of this state of crisis and uncertainty for workers. In the square alongside the workers also representatives of traders and businesses, with Confcommercio and Crotone Imprese, who they showed solidarity by lowering the shutters of the shops at 12:00 sharp.

The battle for defend these jobs continues, therefore, with the demonstrators who they announced thatif there is no news soon, they are ready to harden the tone of their protests.

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