Italy 24 Press News

“Lakes like those seen on Wednesday cannot be created”

After the bad weather and the new inconveniences of yesterday, the Cesena and Valle del Savio Flood and Landslide Committee makes his voice heard in a note:Given yesterday’s events and the many telephone calls regarding the problem of the rains which caused flooding of roads and private courtyard areas, especially in the areas affected by the flood of May 2023, always leading to fear and strong concern, we ask that there be a discussion with the citizens on the state of affairs. It has been reported that i works for the replacement of the wastewater drains, which are the responsibility of the Municipality, will start in January 2025. Having said this, it would be good to understand from which side the funds should come and how to accelerate their availability and on which executive project, in addition to the personal thought that takes us beyond the traps: are the existing pipelines sufficient to face these new events? Do we need to redesign a new sewerage system to ensure that every time it rains, the water flows out smoothly enough? Lakes like the ones seen yesterday cannot be created and others that have occurred in the last month with every storm. However, all the works must be greatly accelerated, which are already very late. The weather doesn’t wait for who knows what to cause disasters which we know very well cost many times more than the costs of prevention.”

Via Riccione

“Furthermore – the note continues – the opportunity is still taken to know why the pumps and water pumps in via Riccione are still in their pre-flood state, we suggested on 7 July 2023 during the meeting in via Riccione organized by the Oltresavio district (councillor Lucchi, the director of public works of the municipality of Cesena Montanari and Casotti representing Hera present) what to do to improve the situation, such as the system alarm with telephone communication to the maintenance worker, a generator set to assist the two pumps as they are not equipped and the regulation of the emergency system of the water pump. I remember very well the promises made at the meetings which gave the start of the works in October and the end of the works in January, then postponed to March and now we have an e-mail telling us that the cost is 200,000.00 euros, the Municipality has 150,000 euros available .00 euros and expects 50,000.00 from General Figliuolo? The General, in the latest public meetings here in Cesena, reiterated that he has the necessary liquidity to complete the works. So it’s time to proceed with the work very quickly to give everyone peace of mind after 13 months. We deserve it for the infinite patience we have.”

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