Italy 24 Press News

“the Mayor of Andria come with us to the protest Sit-In”

The effects of installing a trellis for huge sized telephony repeaters in via Scipio Africanus continue to cause discussion not only among residents opposed to the installation but also from Municipality of Andria who yesterday issued a statement on behalf of the Mayor, Giovanna Bruno. Precisely following this statement – through which the Mayor confirmed her position as well as measures aimed at clarifying the impact on the health of citizens linked to the new building – comes the reply from the President of theCivic Commitment association “Io Ci Sono!”, Savino Montaruli which states the following:

since two years ago we have expressed concern about that gigantic telephone system in via Scipione l’Africano. A long battle supported by our awareness of how much that plant had an impact on the residents, on the environment, on the territory. Today that that “monster” has been implanted I note with extreme pleasure that even our Mayor, lawyer. Giovanna Bruno, takes note of how that system, located immediately behind the homes, represents “a violent invasion of the head, difficult to justify and accept, beyond regulations, procedures and authorizations. An image damage, an environmental disfigurement, a source of concern, an alteration of the state of the places which imposes on me the heartfelt request for suspension and reevaluation of the entire project”. These words from Bruno – continues Montaruli – are the ones we have been waiting to read for a long time and today, finally, we can read them in his letter sent to the Company, its legal office and theARPA Puglia. When Giovanna writes “I reiterate my willingness to restart a discussion from scratch, based on common sense, on the possibility of identifying other sites that do not offend the dignity of the residents (and consequently of the entire community I represent) in such an impetuous manner” our language and we recognize this opening signal of enormous importance, which unfortunately only arrived when the “monster” had already been installed. I invite the Mayor to participate in the Sit In on Thursday 27 June and to go up to the balconies of the residents to realize how well-founded and valid our concerns were. More than exploitation” – concluded Montaruli.

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