Italy 24 Press News

Separate waste collection at 40%, the Tari drops in Torre del Greco

They come down Tari rates in Torre del Greco: the tax rates approved in the city council waste taxlower thanks to waste separation which, according to the data, is getting better and better.

The Tari descends at Torre del Greco

The more it differentiates, the less waste disposal costs the municipal body: a concept reiterated on several occasions by the mayor Luigi Mennella and by the councilor with responsibility for the environment Antonio Ramondo.

And this is precisely the meaning of the announcement that comes from Baronial Palace and which gives a sigh of relief to the Torresi families, who have been dealing with increasingly higher Tari bills for years. According to the latest data, in fact, the percentage of fraction differentiated produced by the citizens of Torre del Greco would have been attested just under 40%.

Less mixed waste, which is expensive to dispose of, means a more consistent separated fraction: “junk” of value, which can be sent to low-cost recycling and treatment plants, or even to a positive balance for the municipality. From here, the approval of the new Tari tariffs by the city council. In contrast to recent times, the cost that Torre del Greco families will bear will be lower than the previous year.

Improve waste separation: here’s why

“We managed to contain costs – says the environmental councilor Antonio Ramondoindeed to reduce the outlay for each individual family, thanks to the enormous efforts put in place on waste separation, which slowly, constantly and with great sacrifices It’s getting better day by day. Today we are close to share 40%: an important figure, considering that at the time of our establishment it was at 18%, but which we believe is destined to grow further thanks to the activation of new codes, starting with light multi-material”.

A change of pace which becomes tangible savings for citizens, to which the measures and the innovations introduced just in the last year. Among the enormous efforts that councilor Ramondo recalls is certainly the transition to single-material delivery: a fraction per day, reducing the possibility of errors in waste disposal.

But there is also the installation of 10 electronic eco islands placed on the territory: a tool that allowed citizens to deposit waste correctly, regardless of the times and days marked on the calendar. Thus, separate collection becomes possible even for those who have difficulty depositing in the evening or on specific days: in other words, there are no more excuses so as not to behave like civilized citizens.

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