Italy 24 Press News

Erap, Marche Region and Municipality of Ancona approve the agreement to renew the Employment Center

The Marche Region, the Municipality of Ancona and Erap Marche presidium of Ancona have approved a draft agreement which will provide the Ancona Employment Center with a more suitable headquarters using the opportunities offered by the PNRR for the strengthening of these offices in the territories and to improve the service.

The inadequacy of the current headquarters and the need to guarantee the essential levels of performance required further investigation. For this reason, the request to identify suitable premises with a total surface area of ​​at least 900m2 was forwarded to the Municipality of Ancona. Following meetings and agreements, an extraordinary maintenance intervention was planned to implement, redistribute and adapt the current premises in Piazza Salvo D’Acquisto 22, using regional resources amounting to 2.715 million euros from the PNRR. The increased spaces which should be followed by an implementation of staff is aimed at achieving the objective of offering better organized and more punctual assistance to users.

For the purpose of implementing the infrastructural strengthening of employment services, the Marche Region plays the role of Implementing Body, the Municipality of Ancona that of sub-Actuating Body as owner of the property on which the intervention and the ERAP Marche is the implementing body delegated by the Municipality of Ancona, which, through its structure, will have to provide for the design, completion of the tender, works management, safety coordination up to the testing procedures. The conclusion of the work is scheduled for December 2025.

“This is an excellent example of systematizing public capabilities and skills – says Saturnino Di Ruscio, President of Erap Marche – to achieve community objectives financed with PNRR funds”. “The preliminary work that Eng. Ferri and the staff of the Ancona garrison have carried out with the Marche Region and with the Municipality of Ancona which will allow us to improve the spaces of a very important service such as the one offered by the Employment Centre” – he concluded.

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