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The mayor of Vicenza Possamai designated by Anci in the State-city and local autonomies Conference / Press releases / News / Homepage

The mayor of Vicenza Giacomo Possamai was designated by Anci in the State-city and local autonomies Conference.

«It will be an honor to represent the Italian Municipalities in the State-City Conference and in the Unified Conference – declares the mayor Giacomo Possamai – because they are the place where dialogue takes place between the Municipalities and the Government on the measures and rules that concern the territories. My goal is to best represent the country’s 8,000 municipalities and explore issues that may also prove interesting for Vicenza, thanks to the opportunity to have periodic direct discussions with ministers and undersecretaries. I thank the president of Anci, Antonio Dacaro, for the trust he has placed in me by entrusting me with this task »

On the occasion of today’s meeting of the State-City Conference, convened remotely by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Possamai’s designation was ratified together with that of the other Anci representative, Gaetano Manfredi, mayor of Naples. The two first citizens take over from the former mayors of Florence, Dario Nardella and of Pesaro, Matteo Ricci.

The State-city and autonomies Conference is included in the system of Conferences which includes the State-Regions Conference and autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano and the Unified Conference, bodies that represent the privileged institutional forums for discussion and connection between the State, the Regions and local authorities.

Among its responsibilities are the coordination of relations between the State and local authorities; the study, information and discussion of issues related to general policy directions that may impact one’s own or delegated functions; the discussion and examination of problems relating to the organization and functioning of local authorities, including aspects relating to financial and budget policies, human and instrumental resources, as well as legislative initiatives and general government acts; the discussion and examination of problems relating to the management and provision of public services.

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