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Trieste under the sign of the G7 on Education: impacts on traffic

The next G7 Education meeting in Trieste, scheduled for 27 to 29 June 2024is not only about global educational summits, but also imposes significant changes to traffic small town. This international event requires a rigorous safety plan, with inevitable repercussions on urban and maritime traffic.

Land traffic: restrictions and changes

Trieste center will be a red zone to allow the smooth running of the G7. The road traffic restrictions will come into force at specific times: from 12pm on Thursday 27 June along the viale Miramare branch, and from 7am on Friday 28 June along the Trieste banks until Saturday 29 June. These measures include transit bans in several key areas of the city, from the entrance to Miramare Castle to the Mandracchio area and beyond.

Maritime traffic: ordinances and limitations

Not only the roads, but also the waters of Trieste will be restricted. The Port Authority has issued a detailed order to regulate maritime traffic during the G7 Education. From 12pm on 27 June to 5pm on 29 June, navigation will be prohibited in the San Giorgio, San Giusto, San Marco and Sacheta basins, with some specific exceptions.

Details of maritime restrictions

During the first hours of the G7, the Sacheta basin will be completely closed to traffic from 4pm to 9pm on June 27th. Further restrictions also apply in the mirror in front the Marine Protected Area of ​​Miramare, where any surface and underwater activity will be prohibited from 6pm to 11.59pm on the same day. The units moored in various basins will be allowed to exit and re-enter only with precise navigation directives towards the open sea.

Planning and economic impact

The restrictive measures aim not only to ensure the safety of guests and G7 participants, but also to minimize disruption to residents and local businesses. However, the economic impact of traffic and navigation restrictions cannot be underestimated, with many local businesses likely to suffer losses during the period of forced closure.

Preparations and expectations

With the G7 on Education coming up, Trieste is preparing to host leaders and delegates from all over the world. While safety measures are necessary for the event, it is essential that city officials and residents coordinate to best mitigate impacts on daily life and the local economy. The challenge will be to effectively balance security with the continuity of city activities, in the sign of an international event that could shape the future of global education.

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