Italy 24 Press News

Giovanni Gorni (Rivarolo Mantovano) at the helm of Condifesa Lombardia

Giovanni Gornia farmer from Rivarolo Mantovano registered with Coldiretti Mantua, was elected at the top of the regional association of defense consortia of Lombardy.

The defense consortia of Lombardy manage subsidized agricultural insurance worth 1.7 billion euros (equal to 25% of the entire national value), and premiums for a total of 100 million euros.

I am honored to be able to continue the work done by my predecessor, Giacomo Lussignoli, whom I thank for having led the regional association of the Consortia for the defense of Lombardy for twenty years, and I am determined to carry forward initiatives that can guarantee greater safety for our agricultural businesses – declared Gorni -. Risk management is essential to face the challenges posed by climate change and to safeguard the future of Lombardy agriculture, one of the most advanced in Europe”.

Best wishes for good work also from the president of the Provincial Federation of Coldiretti, Fabio Mantovani. “Gorni remains a point of reference for the Codima of Mantua and Cremona and now also for the regional association – declares Mantovani -. In this phase of climate revolution and climate tropicalisation, it is essential for agricultural businesses to guarantee their incomes, combining at the same time innovation, digitalisation, environmental sustainability, with the aim of improving profitability and guaranteeing the natural path of generational turnover and of growth”.

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