Italy 24 Press News

Corriere dello Sport: “Bari, Pigliacelli remains the first choice in goal”

Today’s edition of “Il Corriere dello Sport” focuses on Pigliacelli in Bari’s sights.

Bari has knocked on Venezia’s door for striker Cristian Gytkjaer (in the picture). But the lagoon club does not intend to deprive itself of the Danish striker, the protagonist of the promotion to Serie A with 12 goals and two assists. Sports director Giuseppe Magalini is looking for a structured striker capable of ensuring the team a large number of goals. Bari needs to strengthen their offensive department after last season’s offensive difficulties.

At the moment only Giuseppe Sibilli can count, having just been redeemed by Pisa after his brilliant season enriched by 12 goals, a personal record. But in attack there is immediately a double blow for Moreno Longo. Giuseppe Ambrosino (21) and Lorenzo Sgarbi (23) arrive on loan from Napoli. Bari’s interest in Portuguese striker Pedro Mendes (25) from Ascoli and first striker Manuel De Luca from Sampdoria has been confirmed. Goalkeeper Mirko Pigliacelli (31), the first choice, but in the sights would be Filippo Rinaldi, 21 years old, owned by Parma newly promoted to Serie A. In the last season he was on loan at Olbia, distinguishing himself to the point of becoming the second of Sebastiano Desplanches in Under 21.

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