Italy 24 Press News

False Covid vaccinations in Palermo: four convictions

Four people have been convicted as part of the forgery investigation anti-Covid vaccinations at the Fiera del Mediterraneo hub in Palermo. The sentences, issued by judge Paolo Magro, concern two nurses and two activists of the No Vax movement, revealing a plot of fraud and corruption that has shaken the local community.

The story of false vaccinations in Palermo

The investigations, conducted by the Palermo Prosecutor’s Office, have brought to light a fraudulent system in which two nurses, Giorgia Camarda And Anna Maria Lo Brano, they allegedly accepted money in exchange for fake vaccinations. The two health professionals, employed at the Civic Hospital of Palermo but operating at the vaccination hub of the Mediterranean Fair, would have simulated the administration of the Covid-19 vaccine, instead injecting the drug onto a gauze. In exchange for this service, they would have received around 400 euros for each fake vaccination.

The two nurses were each sentenced to six years in prison. The sentence also includes two No Vax activists, Philip Accept And Giuseppe Tomasino, sentenced respectively to four years and six months and four years and four months in prison. Accept and Tomasino allegedly paid to avoid vaccination, while obtaining the Green Pass necessary to carry out various activities during the pandemic.

The investigation revealed that not all those who received fake vaccinations were aware of the fraud. Some people, believing they had been vaccinated, only later discovered that their vaccine had been thrown away. This discovery generated outrage and concern, as it exposed these people to the risk of contracting the virus, mistakenly thinking that they were protected.

Evidence and trial

The evidence against the defendants, including damning videos, led to a speedy trial with immediate rites. The strength of the evidence collected by the investigators made the guilt of those involved unequivocal. Testimonies and videos clearly showed the nurses performing the fake vaccinations.

The Order of Nurses, represented by the lawyer Gaetano Priola, the Civic hospital and some of the people who discovered that they had not been vaccinated became civil parties in the trial. These individuals expressed their outrage and the need for justice for the betrayal of the trust placed in healthcare institutions.

This scandal has raised numerous ethical and legal questions. Trust in the healthcare system has been undermined, and the story has highlighted the dangerous consequences of misinformation and anti-vaccination ideologies. Health and judicial authorities have reiterated the importance of maintaining the integrity of vaccination processes and firmly combating any attempts at fraud.

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