Italy 24 Press News

“No more landfills in Crotone”

“No more landfills in the city of Crotone”: reiterates it mayor of the Pythagorean city, Vincenzo Voceexplaining that with approval by the Regional Council, in regional plan Of management of waste, of the application of the location criterion of the so-called “areal pressure factor” was “dropped a ace” which would put an end to any attempt to build other plants in the area.

The areal pressure factor, in practice, inhibits the construction of new landfills And the expansion of existing ones.

“It is a great result for the city of Crotone. A result the mayor blurts out – which crowns a battle that I have personally led since the first day of my inauguration, and even before when Eng. Voce fought for the protection of the environment and the health of citizens”.

A battle than for the mayor belongs to his administration “ThatHe says – was shared by governor Occhiuto who I thank for the sensitivity shown on a fundamental issue for the protection of the environment and the health of citizens as well as the Regional Council and the technical offices of the Region”.

Voice, finally, says it is certain that the Regional Council will ratify the provision as soon as possible “to definitively put an end to attempts to install new plants in our territory”, concludes the first citizen of Crotone.

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