Italy 24 Press News

The ‘Pistoia Experience Card’ returns in the summer: discounts and vouchers in participating activities

PISTOIA – Like a copy of the house keys, the one that is left to the most awaited and welcome guests: this summer too, in the affiliated activities in the city, the “Pistoia Experience Card”.

The initiative – which started last May and is intended to continue until December 2024 – is led by Tourist consortium of the city of Pistoia in collaboration with Confcommercio and with the contribution of the Chamber of Commerce, and takes place as part of the project “Tuscany Experience 23”.

Summer obviously represents one of the periods of the year that coincide with the maximum use of the card by tourists, who can collect it from affiliated facilities (such as the hotels where they are guests) or request it online to take advantage of discounts and special offers.

It can currently be used in 8 different sites of interest and in 14 shops in the area, and is accompanied by the “Micco”, a special voucher to be used in bars, clubs, wine bars and restaurants. All detailed information is available on the website.

“This is a modality – is the comment of the president of the Tourist Consortium of the city of Pistoia, Paolo Cavicchio – which allows us to open the doors of churches, museums, historic homes, libraries and much more, ensuring a complete experience for tourists, at discounted prices. The card makes the most of the cultural, food and wine and leisure experiences that the city has to offer visitors.”

While the “Micco” represents a voucher to be used one-off, the card will remain as a gift to tourists, also for the desire to make them remember the experience they had, thus transforming them into ambassadors of the area.

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