Italy 24 Press News

“Seize Ilaria Salis’s salary”: the Lombardy Regional Council approves FdI’s motion

Ilaria Salis – (Source: Instagram) –

“Attachment of my salary due to the accusation of illegal occupation of property? Attacks against me”

In a session where tension was palpable, the Lombardy Regional Council approved the motion presented by Brothers of Italy, asking for the garnishment of the salary of the newly elected MEP Ilaria Salis.

The reason is the alleged arrears with Aler, the company that deals with public housing in the region. The amount of debt accumulated, according to the accusations, amounts to approximately 90 thousand euros.

During the discussion at Pirellone, the group leader of the Brothers of Italy defended the motion by stating: “This motion raises fundamental issues: legality, respect and housing policies. We do not accept lessons.

Occupying is illegal, occupying is a crime. Thanks to the motion of the Brothers of Italy it is possible to unmask those who are on the side of illegal activity.”

Fratoianni’s reply

He responded to FdI’s motion Nicola Fratoianni. The leader of the Italian Left expressed his disappointment from Brussels, where he was with Ilaria Salis. Here are his words: “We are beyond the ridiculous, beyond the ridiculousness of instrumentality. A story that sees Ilaria as the object of a sort of political fury. They asked you for ninety thousand euros for an assessment carried out over ten years ago. After that, nothing more.”

The leader of the Italian Left described the initiative as an example of political persecution, aimed at delegitimizing social struggles and diverting attention from the real problems of the country.

Mickey Mouse’s arrival in Brussels

Despite the controversies of the last few days, Ilaria Salis expressed her joy at finally arriving in Brussels as an MEP.

With a beautiful post on social media, the activist shared his happiness with his followers, showing his European Parliament identification badge. And I don’t know about you, but we thought we saw Mickey Mouse…

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