Italy 24 Press News

Ilaria Salis attacked by FdI in Lombardy after the occupied house, motion for salary garnishment

While Ilaria Salis made its debut in the European Parliament, from Lombardy yet another attack has arrived FdI with the request of salary garnishment of the MEP. There motion came from the Regional Council, with 45 votes in favor and 19 against, for the recovery of the alleged credit owed to the 38-year-old for the illegally occupied house.

FdI attacks Salis with the motion of seizure

FdI’s battle continues against Ilaria Salis and the credit claimed for illegal occupation of public housing. The representatives of leader Meloni’s party in Lombardy, in fact, presented a proposal motion to urge Aler to initiate the relevant legal procedures.

The motion passed with 45 votes in favor and 19 againstwith the clear request to seize Ilaria Salis’ salary as a MEP.

By doing so, therefore, those would be recovered 90 thousand euros that the 38 year old owes for having lived illegally in public housing.

The request to President Fontana

As mentioned, the motion passed thanks to the favorable vote of the Lombardy Regional Council and now the ball passes to the President of the Region Attilio Fontana.

FdI, in fact, asks the governor to urge Alerincluding “the use of foreclosure of current accounts” until “the accumulated debt is completely satisfied”.

Ilaria Salis in Brussels

Avs defends Salis

Having learned the news of the new fury against the new MEP, Adv came to the rescue. Salis was defended in Brussels by Nicola Fratoianni.

This is beyond ridiculous“, explains the leader of the Italian Left. “This is a story that sees Ilaria as the object of a sort of aggressive politics. They asked her for 90 thousand euros for an assessment carried out over ten years ago.”

Ilaria Cucchi he underlined: “For the right, Ilaria Salis is an out-of-place occupier, the family’s real estate properties are an obstacle to her political gestures. Nothing could be more wrong.”

And Salis herself explained: “I don’t think I have to defend myself from anything. Housing movements fill gaps where institutions fail.”

Hungary threatens the MEP again

Meanwhile, Hungary also returns to attack and threaten the 38-year-old teacher. After 15 months in prison, in fact, Budapest is apparently reflecting on what to do to ask the EU for it revocation of immunity.

Salis explained that if this scenario were to arise “the European Parliament will have to express itself and I hope it will take sides in defense of fundamental rights and the presumption of innocence”.

Photo source: ANSA

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