Italy 24 Press News

Latina Calcio, the logo of discord. The ultras: “Protest to the bitter end”

The presentation of the new Latina Calcio logo which took place the day before yesterday via social media had unexpected consequences. The dissent of the fans, which first traveled on the web with a unanimous chorus of condemnation for a change not considered necessary but above all – as many have commented – communicated too hastily, has translated into a real protest moved by the fans organized against the Piazzale Prampolini company. In fact, late on Tuesday afternoon, a delegation of ultras from the Curva Nord went to Francioni where they were received by president Terracciano and general director Corrente. The tone, as far as we know, was not exactly mild.

The club’s choice to change what had become a symbol for those who care about the fate of Latina Calcio was not liked, and the way adopted to communicate it was liked even less. The choice came from above and without too many frills, as perhaps has happened too often in recent years by a company that is sometimes too “closed” within the four walls of the stadium offices and little inclined to communicate with the outside.

The supporters asked the management to retrace their steps and withdraw the new logo. Which of course, when the game is over, isn’t really taken into consideration. And apparently not even the president’s apologies in person for the modus operandi would have been enough to calm things down: the Curva Nord would have in fact announced a protest against the company immediately and without interruption. A step back, therefore, compared to the clarifying meeting that took place a month ago between fans and management, which served to bring calm among those supporters who had doubts about the future. Unfortunately, the new season doesn’t seem to be starting on the right foot.

And yesterday, in the late afternoon, the protest took on the trappings of a very harsh protest. With the strong press release issued on the social page of the Winged Lion, of which we report a part: “We have never asked for anything more than respect for the square… We had asked in a conference open to the company to improve the communication so that we could finally establish a synergistic relationship between the square and society, obtaining only positive responses, underlining the fact that identity is a cornerstone of our being. We had asked the company privately, given the rumors going around whether were it true that there would have been a change of coat of arms, receiving a resounding denial. Nothing. From one day to the next we found ourselves deprived of the coat of arms which for us represented rebirth after yet another failure. After this umpteenth piss-taking we announce that from part of the whole curve there will be the total closure of every type of relationship with the current company. From today a protest will begin (which the company wanted to procure at all costs) which will not be limited to slogans but will become torture for you. We are ready to start again from nothing just as we have done a hundred times before, but the dignity is not there, no one will ever trample on it. You have exceeded every limit and now you must disappear from our city. That coat of arms that the Latina fans (those few remaining after the bankruptcy) had created and handed it into the hands of a company that did not even know the social colors of Latina football. This is the last straw”.

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