Italy 24 Press News

Shortage of staff in the ASL Salerno hospitals: the CISL proclaims a state of unrest

“After numerous attempts made to resolve the serious problems that are causing many critical issues for workers and consequently seriously undermining the quantity and quality of services for users with failure to satisfy the Minimum Assistance Levels, the CISL FP of Salerno found itself forced to declare the state of agitation of the staff. On July 1st the trade union organization called a meeting with all the workers at the ASL Salerno headquarters in Via Nizza. This was declared by the Provincial Secretary of the CISL FP – Alfonso Della Porta-. Unfortunately we note that the age-old problem of staff shortages for almost all profiles of the sector has not yet been resolved, and has actually worsened with the provision issued by the Health Directorate regarding the derogation of the services that can be carried out under the overtime regime since they are not implemented by the medical directorates in charge, urges – Alfonso Della Porta-.

In fact, while hours in excess of the maximum possible limit are authorized, the previously duly authorized hours are not remunerated. We are aware that we are witnessing a failure to assume responsibility on the part of the Central Health Directorate, since it is delegated to peripheral directors or individual macro-centres, structures in total absence of control. It follows that to make up for the serious staff shortages, the latter are preparing work shifts in breach of legislative and contractual regulations, without compulsory biological rest and with an increase in the monthly hourly debt in the absence of remuneration, declares the Provincial Secretary – Alfonso Della Porta -. It is an unacceptable situation which is creating enormous inconvenience also due to the lack of remuneration of the allowances provided for by the National Collective Labor Agreement due to distorted and unilateral interpretations in peripheral centres. At present the situation has become unsustainable. On several occasions we have urged the launch of exceptional recruitment plans and now, due to the serious and unresolved delays complained of, the provincial health system runs the risk of collapsing irreversibly and inexorably. We have initiated the request for a convocation for the mandatory attempt at conciliation and, if the General Director Sosto does not intervene immediately, we will certainly go on a general strike of the staff of the ASL Salerno sector”.

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