Italy 24 Press News

Terni, Ast against Aniello: «We will defend ourselves in the appropriate places, we are committed to the environment»

of the Ranalli Associati law firm
on behalf of Acciai Speciali Terni spa

«Following the declarations made in recent days by the former Councilor for the Environment, Mrs. Mascia Aniello, reported by numerous newspapers, this letter is sent to underline the absolute priority that Acciai Speciali Terni spa has always given, and is giving , attention to the environment in all the contexts that have emerged in recent days. Given the above, it will be Acciai Speciali Terni spa’s concern to defend its rights promptly in the most appropriate forums to obtain compensation for damages suffered and/or to be suffered, as well as to defend its own integrity and that of all stakeholders involved, trusting in the right direction of the judicial process”.

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