Italy 24 Press News

Uil. Verona has the 4th best hospital in Italy, but the…

The Ministry of Health published the “top 20 major hospitals” based on data from 2022. L’Integrated University Hospital of Verona It ranked at 4th placepositioning itself as the structure of excellence in the Veneto.

Luca Molinarihead of the healthcare sector of the Uil of Verona, highlights “the notable commitment and professionalism of the healthcare, technical and administrative staff, who have contributed to positioning the company as the best public healthcare facility in Italy”.

“This prestigious result is the result of a constant commitment to guaranteeing high quality care for the citizens of Verona – he underlines Stefano GottardiGeneral Secretary of Uil Fpl Verona -. The hospital has managed to attract a considerable number of patients coming not only from Veneto, but also from other Italian regions and even from abroad, especially those suffering from complex pathologies”.

Molinari, however, highlights the contrast between “being successful but not being recognised” given that the staff of the Veneto Regional Health System ranks 8th nationally in terms of remuneration and is among the lowest paid.

“This situation – he continues -, combined with the lack of parking, the increase in the workload and the delays resulting from the implementation of the new Hospital Information System (HIS), which has lengthened the time and poisoned the organizational climate, has made little immediate hiring on a permanent basis is tempting, as happens for social and health workers who do not answer the call”.

And this is “serious damage for the hospital – he underlines Gottardi – which leads to difficulties in assistance in the departments and puts at risk the sustainability of essential services to maintain complex activities due to the lack of Social and Health Workers, who refuse to be hired, because the salaries are below expectations and not sufficient to live in an expensive city like Verona. As a result, the quality offered by the best doctors, healthcare managers and healthcare professionals is compromised due to the shortage of structural staff.”

The Uil trade unionists requested the Councillor Lanzarin and to the Governor Zaia an economic incentive for company staff who are facing the additional crisis of the Hospital Information System (HIS) along with other challenges. “But we have received no answers, nothing” they announce.

“Verona, too far away? Is such a lack of interest in what is happening in the city hospital possible? However – they conclude – we allow ourselves to applaud all the professionals of this hospital who, despite everything, work daily to guarantee health in Verona and offer care and psychological comfort, with great professionalism, to people who suffer.

Only when there is fairness in compensation too, will we be able to truly celebrate and hope that this hospital will become attractive again for the staff.”

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