Italy 24 Press News

“Portici per le malattie rare” with schools, associations and celebrities

Source: metropolis

by Marco Milano

PORTICI – “Portici for Rare Diseases this evening at “Villa Mascolo”. The cultural event to raise awareness among citizens on the topic of rare diseases, a topic, unfortunately, very often unknown to many, is underway under the patronage of the Municipality of Portici. Among the guests, a rich array of artists and personalities from the world of entertainment. Names like Ciro Giustiniani, Ernesto Lama with the guitarist, Raffaella Ambrosini with his son, finalist of the television talent show “The Voice”. Furthermore, Professor Raffaele Iorio, head of pathology at the Polyclinic of Naples and the councilor for education and youth policies and social policies of the Campania Region Lucia Fortini will be present. The event was organized by Professor Gabriella Fiengo, representative of rare diseases at the “Carlo Levi” institute in Portici and by Professor Alberico Lombardi, professor responsible for inclusion at the “Levi” institute. Alberico Lombardi, then, will participate not only as an organizer but also as a well-known artist in the province of Naples with a musical performance that will see him perform some songs. The proceeds from the event will be donated to the “Amei” association (Children’s Liver Disease Association) and other associations that actively and daily deal with rare diseases such as the “Mia” association (Italian Myasthenia Association) will also be present. , the association “Lgs” (Association of Families Lightness, Grit and Hope) and the association “Vivi l’Epilessia in Campania” (Volunteer organization of Campania for the protection and improvement of the quality of life of people affected by epilepsy and of their family members). The evening will also see the award ceremony of the three school managers from Portici who participated in the Rare Diseases project planned by the Regional School Office for Campania. Finally, top secret on the name of a surprise guest who will be brought directly by Mayor Vincenzo Cuomo.

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