Italy 24 Press News

The Trieste Charter on Artificial Intelligence is presented to the city

06.27.2024 – 08.40 – After the birth of the “Trieste Charter on Artificial Intelligence”document designed by the Cultural Association “Studium Fidei” led by Monsignor Ettore Malnati and presented no later than a month ago in the setting of the Paolo VI pastoral center, yesterday was the turn of the first appointment on the topic of Artificial Intelligence. They talked about it, moderated by the Ansa journalist Francesco De Filippothe editorial director of the Dicastery for Communication of the Holy See, Andrea Torniellithe neonatologist doctor Laura Travanlawyers Alexander Tudor And Michele Grisafithe data processing and protection expert Graziano de Petrisjournalists Andrea Bulgarelli And Giovanni Tomasinthe digital entrepreneur Manlio Romanelli and the university professor of computer science Luca Bortolussi. During the round table, divided into three panels, the various implications, advantageous or otherwise, that AI can have in everyday life were discussed.

«Certainly in the next few years artificial intelligence will radically change communication – this is Tornielli’s warning – thus putting many jobs are at risk. The contribution that the Charter of Trieste wants to make is significant, we must therefore not have apocalyptic fears but don’t even be too naive». Neonatologist Laura Travan, however, gave as an example of artificial intelligence used in the field that of lung ventilator for children born prematurely, «a fundamental tool for giving the right amount of air to the newborn. At the same time, however – Travan recalled – it is scientifically proven that placing the newborn skin to skin with mom and dad halves the risk of death. This is because medicine very often also means contact and for a very young child it is more important having mum and dad by your side in itself compared to the lung ventilator alone.” The limits of the use of artificial intelligence from a legal point of view were mentioned by the lawyer Tudor. «With the law we can avoid the discrimination that can arise with AI, for example if it, in the future, will be able to decide autonomously who will be able to cure themselves and who will notbased solely on the percentage of chance of survival.”

«Information is a garrison of democracy and in this sense it must be protected – added the journalist Andrea Bulgarelli of Figec talking about AI in the communication sector – and to this end it can be a valid aid to assist and not replace the work of journalists. Journalistic production of any type or genre using AI must respect the ethical standards aimed at protecting the various information actors.” Finally Giovanni Tomasin gave an example the recent newslater found to be untrue, of the death of Noam Chomskyas an example of «how a media system can go haywire: a decidedly increasing risk if, in the future, we end up delegating the publication of news to artificial intelligence alone».

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