Italy 24 Press News

Doubts about the future of the multi-service Brindisi

In light of the public meeting held by the workers of Brindisi Mutiservizi today, and the subsequent meeting with the Mayor Dr. Giuseppe Marchionna held in the morning in the city hall, the fears and perplexities regarding the future of the Municipality’s subsidiary of Brindisi do not subside.

Even if, as declared by the First Citizen, the BMS has obtained from the Revenue Agency the installment of outstanding amounts on the DURC (Single Contribution Regularity Document) by already paying the first instalment, fundamental for the conformity of the document, preparatory for the release of invoice payments by the Municipality to BMS, the industrial plan of the in-house company, defined as the “Industrial restructuring and economic-financial recovery plan 2024-2026”, is still being examined by the board of auditors, necessary for the safety of the company which will ultimately have to reach the city council.

It remains clear that the future of the subsidiary will be decided in the next few days and that due to the sensitivity of the issues at stake, a single-issue municipal council will be necessary, in which we will be present with the workers.

Furthermore, it remains clear that the loss for the 2022 and 2023 financial years (the latter equal to approximately 1,975,663 euros) will require a difficult break-even closing of the 2024 financial year, since, according to Legislative Decree 175/2016 “Madia Law”, the recurrence of operating losses and therefore a structural deficit condition precludes financial assistance from the public body towards the investee.

Filcams Cgil, Fisascat TA BR, Uiltrasporti Uil therefore indicate the opening of the state of agitation of all workers of BMS.

The fate of 148 workers is linked to the approval of the industrial plan by the municipal council, but also to the concrete implementation of feasible operations, aimed at relaunching the investee company of the Messapian capital which will have to guarantee employment levels, focus on the retraining of staff and encourage turnover by creating the possibility of stabilizing temporary staff.

For these reasons, the confederal union will always commit itself and side with workers to defend jobs and protect continuity of income.

The Unit Secretariats

Filcams Cgil – Fisascat Cisl – Uiltrasporti Uil

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