Italy 24 Press News

Nuovo Orizzonte Civico responds to the opposition

Roccastrada (Grosseto). “Defeats can have two results: either make a political component reflect, or make it angry with personal attacks. Five years ago we chose the first path, today the Roccastrada opposition chooses the second, bringing out the worst in its repertoire, that is, the personal attack which, in addition to Lorenzo Piras, also hits our provincial councilor Alfiero Pieraccini . However, the subjects are known and, honestly, they don’t surprise us that much.”

Thus the president of Nuovo Orizzonte Civico Claudio Pacellatogether with the association’s board of directors, after yet another attack suffered by the Roccastradina opposition.

“The politics of small talk – he claims Pacella – is the one that characterizes those who manage to continue collecting defeats in series. It is no coincidence that most of those who represent the current opposition in Roccastrada ran with a different list than ours even five years ago, because those methods and those ideas are not the ones we recognize ourselves in. We are consistent with our civic choice, made well in advance of those who today realize the importance of this world which is capable of communicating with everyone without an ideological vision of politics, but above all which leads us, in the various territories, to compare ourselves with those who want to administer in the interests of citizens. This is what we are consistently doing in the Province with councilor Pieraccini, to whom the nickname ‘turncoat’ seems ungenerous as well as offensive, just as in his career in the Council it has happened over time with Lorenzo Piras, who approached to the positions of Mayor Limatola”.

On choices reported by the press regarding the resignation of three councilors and the entry of three councilors as substitutesPacella and the Noc do not see anything different from what happens in municipalities with populations over 15 thousand inhabitants.

“The law provides for it there – remember Pacella -, here is a choice that was legitimately made and which confirms how much a political project built in the territory goes beyond the preferences won by the individual candidate. It doesn’t seem to me that anyone contests the entry of a councilor in Grosseto in place of the one appointed as councillor, nor is anyone scandalised, much less in the parties that the opposition councilors from Roccastradi probably represent”.

The closure of Pacella and New Civic Horizon it’s very direct. “In the province – they claim – we have a very clear and transparent relationship with President Limatola, who does not need our ‘crutch’, given that he is in all respects president and the acts would still be approved, even with the Council voting against. With councilor Pieraccini we will support everything we believe can benefit citizens. In Roccastrada, which is a different level from the provincial one and therefore with different political dynamics, we read everything and the opposite of everything about Lorenzo Piras: that he would have been exploited by Limatola and then left at home, that he already had the department in his pocket , who would have had the votes of the mayor to the detriment of the others on the list. All false things denied by the facts, only to then get angry when the ‘opponents’ realized that there were no agreements to gain votes in spite of the other candidates, that there was no already guaranteed department and that Limatola and the allies had no certain interest in leaving Piras, and with him Nuovo Orizzonte Civico, at home, just as they did not have towards other political forces. Perhaps if the opposition group had thought more about its own electoral campaign and not about what the others were doing, it would have obtained a better result than yet another resounding defeat.”

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