Italy 24 Press News

Michele Avico, new athletic trainer from Cuneo

Michele Avico, new athletic trainer from Cuneo
Originally from Turin, after a season in Bari in A3 he returns to Piedmont for a new challenge in A2.

The Cuneo Volley men’s A2 series is also being renewed from a technical point of view, starting with the figure of athletic trainerwhich sees the arrival of the Turin native Michele Avico.

Master’s degree in Advanced Sport Sciences and Techniques, since 2020 he has collaborated with volleyball teams; last year in the men’s Serie A3 in Bari. A full-time figure who will be able to follow the boys in their various activities both in the weight room and in the gym.

Michele you chose to return to Piedmont after the year in A3 in Bari, what made you choose Cuneo?
« Cuneo is close to home and is an important historical society with an excellent reputation. I had the opportunity and I jumped at it».

What led you to choose volleyball?
« Paradoxically it was precisely the complexity that comes from being a volleyball athletic trainer; it is a highly traumatic sport in which the athletic aspect is crucial for a quality performance. It’s complicated but stimulating and then working in sport is a privilege».

Have you already discussed the pre-season work with coach Battocchio?
« Absolutely yes, the coach and I have been in touch weekly for about a month now. We already drafted the pre-season schedule together about ten days ago. The players are already at work, obviously they all took a break to dissipate the residual fatigue accumulated in the previous season, but at the moment they all already have a program to follow during the off-season».

Do you have any goals you’ve set for next season?
« Simply become a point of reference for the kids and try to help them grow from an athletic point of view. I realize these are not clear and defined objectives, but anything can happen in volleyball, it would be utopian to say otherwise».

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