Italy 24 Press News

Agri-food is booming in Puglia, GDP has grown double compared to the rest of Italy. Emiliano: “Now protect our products”

The economic data of the last ten years presented today by Ambrosetti are extraordinary for Puglia: not only has the GDP grown double that in Italy, but employment and the strengths of the industrial and social system have also grown, and it has declined sharply crime. All these elements help us focus on the aspects to improve. We must certainly encourage the unification of companies to increase their critical mass, and above all further strengthen the fight against the so-called Puglia sounding, i.e. the use of fake Apulian food and wine products on world markets. It’s not easy. The Italian government will also need to be involved in the protection of all Italian products, including those from Puglia.”

This was stated by the president of the Puglia Region Michele Emiliano participating this morning in Bari at the presentation of the “Agrifood Puglia Model for Made in Italy: evolutions and challenges, beyond national borders”, organized by Teha Club (The European House Ambrosetti).
In the presence of entrepreneurs, economists, researchers, and industry operators, the 2024 report on the entire Italian and regional food supply chain was illustrated, from which emerges, among other data, that Puglia is among the first in Italy for employment and number of active companies (270 thousand) in the agri-food sector, for food and wine tourism and for the contribution (3.9 billion euros) to the national agri-food added value.

“The beautiful thing about these ten years is that we had planned everything and expected these results – added President Emiliano – Puglia today is both genius and regulation, a region recognized and respected everywhere, also for being a free and truly welcoming land . The fact that these ten years coincide with my regional administration has given me great happiness, I believe I have been a lucky president to have extraordinary Apulians at my side who have achieved such important results”.

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