Italy 24 Press News

Piedmont, here is the new Cirio council, only two women out of eleven councillors

The president of the Piedmont Region Alberto Cirio presented today in Turin the new council that will govern for the next five years.

There are six new entries, two are women. The governor maintains the powers of regional policy coordination, legality, rights, Pnrr, European funds and relations with EU institutions, relations with the State-Regions Conference, international affairs and communication, major events, animal welfare. Elena Chiorino (Brothers of Italy) becomes vice-president (“the first female vice-president ever” comments Cirio himself) and maintains the mandates for Education, merit and right to university study, Work, professional training and corporate welfare, Relations with companies regional participation.

TO Paolo Bongioanni (Brothers of Italy) goes to the Department of Commerce, Agriculture and Food, Parks, Hunting and Fishing, Swine Fever. Enrico Bussalino (Lega) will deal with Autonomy, Security and local police, Immigration, Logistics and strategic infrastructures, local authorities.

TO Marina Chiarelli (Brothers of Italy) the delegations go to Tourism, Culture, Sport and post-Olympic, Equal opportunities and youth policies. Marco Gabusi (Forza Italia) is reappointed to Transport and Infrastructure, Public Works and Soil Defence, Civil Protection and Refugee Emergency Management. Marco Gallo (Cirio President civic list) will deal with the development and promotion of the mountains, internal areas and Gal, snow system, protection of protected areas (forests, parks, UNESCO areas, SIC and Natura 2000 network), extractive activities, territorial planning, landscape and urban planning, biodiversity and truffle cultivation.

Also reconfirmed Matthew Marnati (Lega) which will continue to work in the sectors of Environment, Energy and coordination of the permanent regional table for the drought emergency, Innovation, research and related relationships with public and private universities and research centres, digital services for citizens and businesses. Maurizio Marrone (Brothers of Italy) remain the delegations he has dealt with in the past five years with some new sectors: Social policies and socio-health integration, Emigration and decentralized and international cooperation, Usury and confiscated assets, Housing policies, of families and children. News from the Health Department, which he will take care of Federico Riboldi (Brothers of Italy). He is also responsible for essential levels of assistance, health prevention and safety, and health care buildings. Andrea Tronzano (Forza Italia) remains councilor for the Budget, finances and economic and financial planning, Development of productive activities: industry, craftsmanship, SMEs and cooperative enterprises, Internationalization and investment attraction. Gian Luca Vignale (Cirio civic list president) will have the delegations to Personnel, Organization and assets, Legal affairs and litigation, Relations with the Regional Council, Delegification and simplification of administrative procedures, Development and Cohesion Funds.

The team is completed by the two undersecretaries to the presidency of the Region: Claudia Porchietto And Alberto Preioni who, according to the legislation, will act within the scope of the delegations of competence of the presidency.

“Today we present the new government of the Piedmont Region, we do it with great timing. This demonstrates the compactness that has always animated the center-right”, commented Alberto Cirio, re-elected president of the Piedmont Region, presenting the new regional council today in Turin.

“Piedmont needs answers – he said – and the trust we have obtained has been great, almost eight percentage points more than five years ago. It is therefore a conscious trust that fills us with even more responsibility, because it is a trust given to people who know each other, whose programs are known and therefore we have the duty to continue the great work that has been put in place over the past five years”.

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