Italy 24 Press News

Risk of bradyseism, the Campi Flegrei archaeological park participates in the exercise – Chronicle Flegrea

POZZUOLI – The Campi Flegrei archaeological park also participates in EXE-Campi Flegrei 2024, the exercise on bradyseism risk. In the setting of the scenario simulated by the Civil Protection, yesterday afternoon, the risk management procedures that the Park has been adopting for months in places open to the public were tested. Today checks and operational protocols for the protection of heritage in the event of an emergency will be simulated.

THE EXERCISE – Yesterday was an opportunity to verify the activities connected to the bradyseismic scenario 3, i.e. relating to a widespread damage framework and, in particular, emergency telecommunications between the coordination centers through the regional microwave radio network, the verification of the activation of volunteering, the activation of the corporate Crisis Units of ASL Napoli 1 and ASL Napoli 2 with the activation of the health unit. Among the procedures tested on the first day: the technical checks on underground services and infrastructures, the request for the declaration of the State of National Emergency by the Campania Region and the activation of mobile emergency columns by other Italian regions. The exercise continues today in the municipalities of Naples, Pozzuoli and Bacoli with tests relating to the evacuation procedures with a sample of the population and the transfer to the hubs.

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