Italy 24 Press News

The theatrical season of the “Costantino Parravano” Municipal Theater of Caserta – Napoli Village was presented

CASERTA – Promoting culture and identity, entertaining, creating human connections and participation, are fundamental aspects that will characterize the 2024/2025 theater season of the “Costantino Parravano” Municipal Theater of Caserta, organized by the Teatro Pubblico Campano, composed of eleven shows, which will on stage starting next November until April 2025.

«The Teatro Pubblico Campano – underlines the Director Alfredo Balsamo – is proud of the cultural proposals presented at the Teatro Comunale in recent years, but is even more satisfied with the important response of our audience. Many highly successful shows have been staged and made their national premiere on the tables of the city’s Massimo. The Teatro Pubblico Campano was close to the administration, our partner, carrying out a series of works to make the Parravano increasingly a House of culture, entertainment and a welcoming place for the City with the Literary Café, which saw alternating writers , artists and intellectuals”.

A meeting of genres and styles which will feature actors from the national theater scene, including Massimiliano Gallo, Alessio Boni, Enrico Guarnieri, Silvio Orlando, Lino Musella, Andrea Pennacchi, Emilio Solfrizzi and Carlotta Natoli, Massimo De Matteo will give voice and host shows and rereadings signed by directors such as Pablo Remón, Ivan Cotroneo, Marco Baliani, Guglielmo Ferro, Claudio Greg Gregori, Lamberto Lambertini, Roberto Aldorasi and Marcello Prayer, who will bring to the stage texts by authors including Eduardo De Filippo, Eduardo Scarpetta, Giovanni Verga, Francesco Niccolini, WD Home, MG Sauvajon.

«We are really satisfied – declares the Mayor of Caserta Carlo Marino – with the program of the new theater season. This year too we are faced with a top-level cultural offering, with important artists who will guarantee shows of various kinds, but always of great quality. Our Parravano Theater has long been a point of reference for the culture of our region. As an Administration we are firmly aiming for further growth of this structure, making it live not only during the theater season but all year round. Culture is a very important element for the growth and development of society, as well as a fundamental value underlying the action of our Administration.”

The programming will start on Friday 8 November, with Biagio Izzo in The art of fraud, by Toni Fornari, Andrea Maia, Vincenzo Sinopoli and Augusto Fornari, who also directs, on stage Carla Ferraro, Roberto Giordano, Arduino Speranza, Ciro Pauciullo and Adele Vitale. A brilliant comedy, which among paradoxical, comical and exciting moments will make us witness a scam with a good purpose.

From Friday 29 November it will be the turn of Tavola, chiodo, chiodo, a show by and with Lino Musella, who signs the project with Tommaso De Filippo based on notes, articles, correspondence and correspondence by Eduardo De Filippo.

The actor, supported on stage by maestro Marco Vidino, gives voice and body to the words of the letters addressed to the institutions, the speech to the Senate, the notes, the correspondence relating to the exhausting undertaking for the construction and maintenance of the San Ferdinando Theatre.

It is a classic feuilleton where the characters move coldly and elegantly on a chessboard full of pitfalls. The Orange Duck by WD Home and MG Sauvajon, with Emilio Solfrizzi and Carlotta Natoli, directed by Claudio Greg Gregori, which will be on stage from Friday December 6.

Peppe Barra, again with Lamberto Lambertini, brings back on stage, from Friday 13 December, a brand new edition of La cantata dei pastori, to offer the loyal audience, supported by Lalla Esposito, continuous surprises, unexpected twists, unstoppable laughter and tears of emotion.

The art of choreographer and former classical dancer Silvia Gribaudi slides lightly between dance, theater and circus in Graces, a show inspired by the three Graces by Antonio Canova, with the dancers Siro Guglielmi, Matteo Marchesi and Andrea Rampazzo, from Friday 10 January.

Ten years after its birth, after The Duellists and Don Quixote, the Quadrivio, made up of Roberto Aldorasi, Alessio Boni, also an interpreter, Francesco Niccolini and Marcello Prayer, rewrites and stages the Iliad, from Friday 24 January, to mirror itself in oldest myths of Western poetry and in the war of all wars.

Massimiliano Gallo and Fabrizia Sacchi will be the protagonists, from Friday 14 February, of Amanti, a comedy in two acts, written and directed by Ivan Cotroneo, about love, sex, betrayal and marriage, long-term relationships and adventures in term, on the masculine and the feminine.

Andrea Pennacchi will bring Arlecchino on stage from Friday 21 February? written and directed by Marco Baliani, alongside Marco Artusi, Maria Celeste Carobene, Miguel Gobbo Diaz, Margherita Mannino, Valerio Mazzucato, Anna Tringali. An installation that will perhaps shock the many Harlequins who have made this comedy of art mask great over time.

From Friday 7 March Enrico Guarneri and Nadia De Luca will be on stage for Storia di una capinera by Giovanni Verga, directed by Guglielmo Ferro. The story focuses on a single narrative core: the story of poor Maria, told through the letters she writes to a fellow convent.

She is a woman with a dual personality, shy and God-fearing, but also, intimately, whimsical, rebellious and strong-willed ‘Na Santarella by Eduardo Scarpetta, from Friday 28 March in the adaptation and direction by Claudio Di Palma, with Massimo De Matteo and with Giovanni Allocca, Chiara Baffi, Marika De Chiara, Angela De Matteo, Carlo Di Maro, Luciano Giugliano, Valentina Martiniello, Peppe Miale, Sabrina Nastri, Federico Siano.

Closing the programme, from Friday 11 April, will be Silvio Orlando in Ciarlatani, text and direction by Pablo Remón, with Francesca Botti, Francesco Brandi, Nina Pons
A satire on the world of theater and audiovisual, but also a reflection on success, failure and the roles we play, inside and outside fiction.

“Costantino Parravano” Municipal Theater – 2024/2025 Theater Season

Season ticket campaign opens on Thursday 27 June 2024

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