Italy 24 Press News

Ricciardi Multifunctional Center: this is how it will be

The Ricciardi Multifunctional Center (6500 square meters of surface area) is a work that will cost 22 million euros (it started with 12 million, then went to 18 million in the initial planning phase) strongly desired by the municipal administration of Taranto , as part of the broader redevelopment project of the Salinella district, supported by the Extraordinary Commissioner Massimo Ferrarese who is doing everything possible to leave Taranto with a legacy, in terms of sports facilities, as relevant as possible, after the Mediterranean Games of August 2026.

The final project (the original of the first master plan envisaged the renovation of the existing gym for an amount of 5 million euros), entrusted to Sport and Health, was presented at a services conference in the last few hours.

As far as we know, the facility will have a capacity of about 3 thousand spectators (1500 are seated). We are now waiting for the call for tenders and the awarding of the works. The construction sites should begin, as for the Iacovone stadium, after the summer / early autumn.

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