Italy 24 Press News

Rebecca Staffelli defamed by Mr Rizzus: the trapper convicted for the shocking lyrics of a sexist song

Monza, 25 June 2024 – The Court of Monza sentenced him to 10 months in prison and compensation for damages with a provisional amount of 3 thousand euros trapper Mr Rizzus for the insulting phrases against Rebecca Staffelliradio speaker, television face and daughter of Valerio, popular character of the satirical news program “Striscia la Notizia”.

For Simone Rizzutoa 25-year-old from Monza accused of defamation, the public prosecution had requested the sentenced to 1 year in prison in the trial with the abbreviated procedure. The dispute concerned a song published on YouTube entitled “Non ci cielo”, in which the trapper sings “20900 criminals, I fuck Staffelli’s daughter”.

In 2019 Rebecca Staffelli she had seen the video tagged on Instagram by an unknown nickname who he hummed the insulting phrase inviting everyone to follow the instructions given by Mr Rizzus in his song.

In addition to the trapper, the boy identified by the nickname, the young man from Tirano in the province of Sondrio Simone P., is also found co-accused of defamation in another trial at the Court of Monza.

Unlike Mr Rizzus, the boy from Valtellina chose the trial, which continues in September. Rebecca Staffelli joined the civil action and at the first hearing of this trial, accompanied by her father Valerio Staffelli, she arrived at the Court to be heard in the courtroom. The accused and the offended party were not present today at the reading of the sentence.

Meanwhile, this afternoon, in an Instagram story, Mr Rizzus wrote: “I got a sentence. Now they will add up, I will surely have something to pay by adding everything up. Sooner or later I will pay for everything together with my old things because I am full of complaints and trials. But that’s okay, I’ll take responsibility! However, taking 10 months for a rhyme is absurd. In America they talk about murders. Welcome yo italy”.

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