Italy 24 Press News

The Memory Race arrives in Campania, meeting in Aversa on Sunday 7 July

VERSA – In its itinerary from north to south through Italy the Memory Race also arrives in Campania, another region that was the destination of the Giuliano Dalmata exodus. On Sunday 7 July the event organized by Asi and ANVGD (National Association of Venezia Giulia and Dalmatia) arrives in Aversa, the city where the post-war events, which involved many of our compatriots, were painfully experienced. The Norman city was in fact home to one of the 109 refugee camps scattered across the country.

The descendants of those who, after the Second World War, were hosted in the city still live there, keeping alive the memory of their Istrian, Fiume and Dalmatian ancestors who were expelled or forced to flee from their land of origin. To remember those tragic historical moments last February, on the occasion of Remembrance Day, a themed exhibition was created at the Liceo Cirillo which acted as a sounding board and knowledge base on facts that are not yet completely known to everyone.

The organization of the 1st edition of the Aversa Memory Race is entrusted to the ASD Asi Polisportiva Bellona together with the Asi Regional Committee of Campania and the Asi Provincial Committee of Caserta with the patronage of the City of Aversa, the Province of Caserta and the Region Campania. The competitive race of 10,300 km is included in the Fidal Regional calendar.

The race will take place inside the Savino Pozzi Park, the largest green lung of the city, an equipped area of ​​over 22,000 square metres, which has a particularly significant value because it stands right where the barracks that housed the refugees were located, demolished only in 1990, on the occasion of Pope John Paul II’s visit to the city.

The start of the Memory Race is scheduled for 8.30 am while the meeting of juries and competitors is scheduled for 7.00 am.


Registrations have a maximum limit of 500 athletes and will close by 12.00 on Thursday 4 July or upon reaching 500 registered athletes. After closing, cancellations are not permitted but only substitutions between athletes from the same club.

The registration fee is €10.

The envelopes with the numbers and chips will be delivered on the morning of the race starting from 7:00 am and in any case no later than 8:00 am or on Saturday afternoon from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
It will be possible to register online on the ENDU portal ( with payment by credit card or bank transfer using the coordinates made available at the end of the procedure of registration. It will also be possible to register offline, for details and information you can contact 338.8416182

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