Italy 24 Press News

names and delegations. Alice Moggi deputy mayor

Pavia, 25 June 2024 – “A valid and effective team”. The new mayor of Pavia, Michele Lissia he presented it like this Junta who will support him during the five years of his consultancy. A political team with all the forces that made up the ‘wide field’ of the coalition of centre-left (eight lists between parties and civic movements).

In addition to the mayor (who held the delicate responsibility for urban planning, as well as dealing with communication and marketing) they are part of the Council three exponents like him of the PD, two to the civic list Pavia in color which achieved extraordinary electoral success, while a department each went to Action, Green Left Alliance and 5 Star Movement and ‘Let’s hit the mark’.

“We will be a group capable of face the challenges that await us, with determination and competence, capable of translating the programs and ideas that we have collected and developed in recent years into concrete and effective actions for the city – underlined Mayor Lissia -. Our goal is to become a safe point of reference pfor the towns and citizens of Pavia. This is the ‘new beginning’ that we thought of: stability, compactness of a group that is a candidate to govern the city in a long and transformative horizon. We have a few years ahead of us and we want to make a difference.”

The role of deputy mayor was assigned to Alice Moggi (Pavia a Colori), which also received the mandates for public works, heritage, common goods, decorum and care of the city, valorisation of Ticino and waterways, legality and mobility. The other councilors are: Matteo Pezza (Pd; budget, taxes and general affairs, personnel); Giampaolo Anfosso (Pavia in colour; educational and aggregation policies, civic awareness, work, participation, healthcare); Maria Cristina Barbieri (Pd; cultural policies); Rodolfo Faldini (Facciamo Centro; local police, commerce, civic and cemetery services, toponymy); Alessandra Fuccillo (Avs; nurseries, nursery schools, public education and professional training, equal opportunities and interculture, policies of the times); Francesco Brendolise (Pd; social, housing and social inclusion policies, international cooperation and twinning); Angela Barbara Gregorini (Action; sport, youth policies, tourism, animal care and welfare); Lorenzo Goppa (M5s; environment, sustainability, ecological transition and energy policies).

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