Italy 24 Press News

Torrita di Siena celebrates eighty years since the Liberation

Initiatives scheduled for Sunday 30 June and Saturday 6 July

TOWER OF SIENA. Torrita di Siena celebrates the 80th anniversary of the Liberation from the Nazi-Fascist regime, with a series of initiatives organized by the local Anpi section in collaboration with the Municipality of Torrita di Siena, the G. Parini Comprehensive Institute, the Proloco associations of Torrita di Siena and Montefollonico and with the participation of the “Filarmonica La Samba” band. The Liberation of Torrita di Siena and Montefollonicowhich took place on 1 July 1944will be remembered on Sunday 30 June and Saturday 6 July.

The program for Sunday 30 June includes, from 10 am to 4 pm in the “Abbozzi di Palio” room (via O. Maestri, 24), the opening of a temporary post office for a special philatelic postmark on postcards created with the winning drawings of the “Resistance and Liberation in Torrita di Siena” competition. They participated in the initiative the students of the third classes of the IC Parini secondary school. All the works will be on display from 9.30 am to 8 pm in the exhibition rooms in via O. Maestri.

At 10.30 am in Piazza Matteotti the ceremony of delivery of commemorative certificates to relatives of the partisans and of those who contributed to the Resistance and Liberation of Torrita di Siena and Montefollonico.

In the afternoon the celebrations will continue at the Liberation Park in Torrita di Siena and the monument to the Fallen in the gardens of Montefollonico, passing through two significant places of the Resistance. The procession will reach the Cippo del Pantano (loc. Ascianello), where on 30 June 1944 the partisans Aldo Pascucci and Angiolino Montiani were killed and the civilians Pasquino Angiolini and Vittorio Bernardini, who died during the passage of the front, are also remembered; the Cippo di Renellino (Montefollonico), a monument erected in the place where Giuseppe Rotelli was hanged in retaliation and where today the killed partisans Bruno Muller and Gino Marchi and Giovanni Bazzotti, who died at the age of 10 in the explosion of a warehouse of ammunition blown up by German troops during the retreat.

It is then scheduled for Saturday 6 July, at 9.15 pm in the public gardens of Montefollonico, the theatrical event “The croaking frog. A partisan story”curated by the Aresteatro company.

“The 80th anniversary of the Liberation – comments the mayor Giacomo Grazi – offers us a further opportunity to reflect with sensitivity and attention on the values ​​that animated the Resistance and led to the Liberation from the Nazi-Fascist regime. 80 years is a considerable period, so it becomes even more important share with the new generations the memory of the historical facts and crimes perpetrated also in our territory by the Nazi-fascistsas well as the origin of the principles that inspired the Constitution on which the democratic life of our country is based today”.

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